Statistics: Two Years Since The First Style Identity Client
Two years have passed since I officially opened the Style Identity studio to clients. What a lovely and exciting journey it has been. As every start-up, I am so grateful and excited for every single client I have had over the past 24 months. At the end of the day, that is why Style Identity was founded: to spread knowledge, confidence and joy among men and women who look for profound insights into how to maximise their aesthetic impact. Let’s have a look at the statistics from the last 24 months. What Colour Type was the most frequent?
Colour Types
Overall, from a seasonal point of view, most of my clients over the past 24 months were Autumns followed by Winters, Springs and Summers. Summers were represented the least. From a tonal perspective, the two most frequent groups were Deep/Dark Colour Types, followed by Soft Colour Types. Cool and Bright Colour Types were the least frequent in my studio. And as I have already noted last year, I am (still!) waiting to encounter a Bright/Clear Spring, Soft Summer, Warm/True Autumn and Cool/True Winter in my studio.
Most Frequent Seasons
Most Frequent Tonal Characteristic
Colour Fans
For each and every Colour Type, I have several different take-home colour fans on stock. Why? Well, I want to test different suppliers and I personally like options. Moreover, I wanted to see, what my clients prefer. Each client chooses the colour fan (size, material, look&feel) he can incorporate best into his lifestyle. What colour fans were the most popular among clients? See the diagram below.
Popular Take-Home Colour Fans
Image Archetypes
Most of my clients belonged to the Gamine Family, followed by the Natural and Romantic Image Archetype Families. While on average my Image Archetype Pinterest boards have 400-500 images, I went slightly over-the-top for my Theatrical Romantic client and prepared a board with nearly 800 pictures. Each and every picture/photo in my secret Pinterest boards for clients has been carefully chosen and pinned by me.
“After the fantastic Colour Analysis session I knew I wanted to come back for more, and of course Daniela did not disappoint. The Image Archetype session was the perfect addition to what I had already learned.”
The demographic highlights are almost the same as last year. Over the past 24 months, three quarters of my clients were women and the rest were men. The eldest client was 65 years old and the youngest was 23 years old.
Style Identity Clients
Curious Perfectionists
My friend pointed my attention to the fact that if there is anything my clients have in common, it is a certain level of perfectionism and curiosity. I am definitely looking forward to dedicate my time and attention to the beauty of curious perfectionists in the months and years to come!!!
Let’s see what the following 12 months bring! Lots of positive vibes your way and stay safe and healthy!!!
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