“The best colour in the world is the one that looks good on you.”
Personal Colour Analysis (PCA)
for men, women and teenagers in zurich
Colour has a major influence on how we feel and how others react to us. Knowing which colours are best suited to your natural skin tone can make you look more radiant, vibrant and younger :-).
Colour Types aka Seasons: Bright/Clear Spring, Warm/True Spring, Light Spring, Light Summer, Cool/True Summer, Soft Summer (Soft Summer Light, Soft Summer Deep), Soft Autumn (Soft Autumn Light, Soft Autumn Deep), Warm/True Autumn, Deep/Dark Autumn, Deep/Dark Winter, Cool/True Winter, Bright/Clear Winter
Colour Fans For Clients
Draping Method: After the initial brief introduction to the colour theory and the Munsell Colour System, we start with the draping method. We'll use test drapes to see how your face “responds” to individual colour properties (hue, value and chroma) and find out which ones are right for you. You will see which colours flatter your natural beauty the most and which ones you should avoid. The process is very methodical, precise and transparent to avoid any mistakes or confusion.
Pictures: We take a few pictures of you in your favourite most flattering drapes.
Take-home Colour Fan with your most flattering colours: This is your personal shopping tool, your secret weapon;-).
Colour Type (CT) Theory: We look at the three dimensions of colour diagram (hue, value and chroma) and the precise position of your pigments/CT on each of the three dimensions. We look at your second best CT, your worst CTs, as well as your best materials and metals.
Celebrities: We look at celebrities who share your CT.
Colour Combinations: In this section I will explain how to combine colours from your palette in outfits based on your personal value and hue contrast levels. We will also look at your best neutrals and best versions of black and white for professional look. Appropriate combinations will enhance the natural contrast of your face and therefore create harmony with it.
Personal Colours: Some colours in your colour palette are great highlighters for your hair, eyes and skin. I will show where to wear them (clothes, accessories). Let's create your personal “wow” factor!
How to choose colours when shopping: We will practice how to use your take-home colour fan when shopping for clothes, makeup and accessories. You will avoid inappropriate purchases and focus on building a colour-coordinated wardrobe.
How to incorporate less than ideal colours: Useful tips and tricks for the transition period after the PCA.
Make-up (women): You will find out how to choose make-up colours and what shades of lipstick, blush and eye shadow/liner will suit your face.
Hair Colour (if you colour your hair): The appropriate hair colour can brighten the eyes and skin, while inappropriate highlights all facial imperfections, adds hardness or a few extra years.
Colour Psychology: A comprehensive overview of positive and negative effects of colours including (business-related) suggestions on when to wear them and when to avoid them.
Any specific client request: Answers regarding suitable eyeglass frames or wedding dress white or colour adjustments for later in life etc.
PDF Document (Theory): Everything we cover during the session will be included in a 60-page long document for you to revisit at any time in the future. No know-how will be lost. You don’t have to worry to remember everything or take notes.
Pinterest Board (Visuals): I will give you access to a secret Pinterest board with photographs of formal to casual real-life outfits for your CT (including accessories and makeup). There are separate Pinterest boards for men and women. I constantly add to and improve the boards.
Overall you get CONFIDENCE!
You will know what will suit you and you will be sure that your colours look good.
You will build a colour-coordinated wardrobe.
You will no longer waste money on clothes that don't look good on you.
for at least 2 weeks please avoid self tanner, (semi)permanent makeup, sun-burn or any other intrusion that might irritate or colour the skin (natural suntan is perfectly fine though);
you will receive by email a pre-session questionnaire to help both of us understand your desired outcomes, short pre-session reading materials as well as instructions re what to bring with you on the day of your PCA appointment.
You may purchase a voucher for this service to give to your family and friends.
If you purchase Part 1, it includes the draping method, photos and your take-home colour fan. The rest is covered in Part 2 (theory, training, pdf document, Pinterest board etc.).
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