A Scientific Approach To Image Consulting in Zurich
Beauty lies in harmony. Wear the colours and lines that are in harmony with you.
“Die Farbberatung war unglaublich lehrreich und sehr inspirierend. Es hat mir die Augen geöffnet und einige «Aha-Momente» beschert. Es war die beste Investition und jede Rappen wert. Jetzt ist Schluss mit unpassenden Farben und unnötigen Schminkkram, was mir nicht steht. Die Beratung hätte ich schon viel früher machen sollen. Bin einfach begeistert.”
/ BEATA S. /
“Daniela absolutely fascinated me with the science behind colour analysis (…). You feel Daniela's passion and dedication to bringing out your most beautiful and confident self and her dedication to teaching you how to do it!”
“Daniela showed me how to combine my colours with my Image Archetype. I'm a Soft Autumn. My colours are muted and matte, however, because I'm a Theatrical Romantic I can pull off some sparkle. (…) which is perfect because I love diamonds and sparkly things.”
/ FREYA T. /
“ (…) it is a joy to see someone with your passion at work. I will certainly incorporate the inputs in my style of clothes and accessories from now on.”
“ (…) it is SO refreshing to have a session focused on strengths of my specific body type, and never once referring to concealing problem areas. Flamboyant Gamine - here I am (looking at one of the hundreds of ideas Daniela gave me on my secret Pinterest board).”
Personal Colour Analysis
/ Farbberatung
Wear your most flattering colours.
Trage Deine beste Farben.
Image Archetype Analysis
/ KörperTYP Analyse
Wear clothes that complement your body geometry.
Tragen Sie Kleidung, die Ihre Körpergeometrie ergänzt.